
Bulk Water Fill Station
The Franklin Miller Bulk Water Fill Station is a complete engineered solution for municipalities who need a means for haulers to dispense water without operator assistance. With the Franklin Miller Bulk Water Fill Station your facility can control, monitor, administer accounts and gain control of payments for the dispensed water. With its easy to manage control and proprietary HaulerLogic software you will know precisely who is using the system and how much they are using.
The Franklin Miller Water Fill Station comes complete with all piping and equipment housed in an attractive, streamlined equipment enclosure. The system includes a Hauler Station control and Haulerlogic software for maintenance of accounts, balances and invoicing.

HaulerLogic software was specifically developed to monitor, track and record hauler transactions. This comprehensive full-function application interfaces with and extends the capabilities of the Franklin Miller Bulk Water Fill Station as well as SPIRALIFT® Septage Receiving Systems.
With HaulerLogic software, you can administer and monitor hauler transactions, add or modify users and trucks, create, view or print single or multiple invoices, grant or disable hauler rights to use the system, display or print account balances and more.

Septage Receiving Sation
Franklin Miller provides complete systems and processes for septic sludge treatment and septage receiving stations. Our septage receiving stations are the ultimate solution for efficient mechanical treatment of septic tank content and sludge from industrial sources.
The septage receiving station is a comprehensive modular system that lets you match its capabilities to exactly what is needed for your facility.
The standard septage receiving system is supplied with a pipe manifold, valve, flow meter, Hauler Station Control System and HaulerLogic software. This system gives you full control of your receiving operation while providing haulers with a receiving facility that is easy to operate so they can discharge their loads quickly and hygienically.

Airport Receiving Station
The TASKMASTER Airport Receiving Station (AS) is a self-contained, airport receiving station built especially for airport blue water service. This provides for the clean and efficient offloading of blue water while processing the solids to eliminate flow difficulties. The use of the TASKMASTER AS helps airports meet environment regulations. It can be used for one or multiple terminals.
The AS unit is installed below grade with upper desk flush with tarmac or floor. It quickly goes to work providing an efficient and dependable means for receiving and processing of lavatory waste in a clean and convenient manner. It's supplied QD quick coupler allows the operator to quickly connect to the system. The AS system is provided with an automatic control system and optionally a Hauler Station control with a card swipe authorization and receipt printing capability.
Included in the AS Airport Receiving Station is a heavy-duty TASKMASTER twin-shaft grinder in a self-contained enclosure built for below grade installation, a quick connect flange and access port, drain system, pipe trap and discharge flange along with a standard S260 Automatic Control system or optional S260-SRH Hauler Station Control.