KSB Pumps
KSB pump impellers for optimum waste water transport
Since no one type of impeller is equally suitable for all applications, KSB provides various types of impellers to meet specific requirements.Our range includes, vortex, closed non-clogging single, two or three vanes, open-single vane, grinder, axial propeller and mixed flow impellers which allow us to select the best impeller for the pumped liquid to satisfy operating parameters such as flow rate, head, efficiency, solid size passage, wear resistance, and gas content.

KSB pump impellers for waste water transport:
D impeller
The open diagonal single-vane impeller can handle sludges and waste water containing long fibers, up to a dry matter content of 13%. Coarser solids up to 6 in.
- Mixed water
- Municipal waste water
- Raw and digested sludge
- Circulated and heating sludge

E impeller
The closed single-vane impeller ensures smooth passage for waste waters containing solids and long fibers up to 4.75 in.
- Municipal waste water
- Mixed water
- Raw and digested sludge
- Activated sludge
- Circulated and heating sludge

F impeller
The free-flow impeller allows fluids with larger solids up to 5 5/16 in. to pass. The presence or formation of gases (up to 8%) is not a problem.
- Municipal waste water
- Activated sludge
- Raw and digested sludge
- Circulated and heating sludge
- Mixed water
K impeller
The closed multi-vane impeller for solids-laden and muddy fluids offers the highest efficiency for waste water and a free passage of up to 7.5 in.
- Municipal waste water
- Industrial waste water
- Land fill waste water
- Rainwater
- Activated sludge
- Industrial waste water

S impeller
The cutter is an economic solution for domestic waste water containing solids up to 9/32 in. in size.
- Municipal waste water
- Waste water
- Sewage